Battery STorage
The latest battery technology not only allows you to store excess Solar energy during the daytime, to use in the evenings and help increase self consumption, but also has the ability to charge from the grid at off-peak times to reduce your energy bills even further.
Already have solar? On average only 25-30% of generated energy is used in the home. Install a Solar battery and you can store all of the generated energy in the day time and use it in the evenings.
Increase the self-consumption of your solar system.
Grid connected batteries can be used to charge ‘off-grid’ at cheaper night time rates to increase savings.
Can be retrofitted or part of a new installation.
Maximise energy savings and increase the future proofing of your energy bills
Continue to receive the FIT payments in the same way. Batteries do not affect the FiT payments
To find out more, please fill out the form below and one of our team will get back to you.