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thermodynamic hot water system



It was recently announced that all fossil fuel powered heating installations will be banned in all new build homes from 2025.

Believe it or not - that is just six years away, BUT DON’T PANIC… there is such a thing as a reliable renewable, and JEM Energy have just the ticket!

It’s been a long time coming – and finally news is starting to break that the way we must heat our homes and our water, could change dramatically in as little as 6 years’ time.

Sure, the government can’t jump into our homes, remove the heating systems we already have installed, and force us to pay for the installation of an alternative… but they can ban any new installations in homes that haven’t been built yet!

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Last year it was reported that a huge backlog in the need for new build homes in the UK, would mean that the 340,000 new homes must be build each year until 2031, in order to accommodate the rising demand! Yikes.

That is in total 2, 240,000 new homes to be built in 6 years from the proposed plan to ban the installation of fossil fuel heating systems in 2025. All homes of which… will require an eco-friendly alternative.

So what are our eco-friendly domestic heating options, and why are we not already using them?

There are a variety of renewable heating alternatives which could be introduced to new builds from this date, these include air source and ground source heat pumps, solar thermal systems for hot water and a newer technology – thermodynamic hot water systems

Shockingly, in the UK, 98% of domestic and commercial greenhouse gas emissions from heat, reportedly come from conventional space and water heating methods, but why has it taken until now for there to be any drastic changes in the way we heat our homes?

From 2020 we will be waving goodbye to fossil fuel powered heating systems

From 2020 we will be waving goodbye to fossil fuel powered heating systems

It is possible that many UK homeowners have chosen to avoid solar hot water or heating methods, for fear that a lack of sun exposure will mean that their solar energy systems cannot generate enough hot water or heating, to justify their investment in renewable technology in the first place, (this is when compared to the actual cost savings they would see from having a system installed).

Where this is the case for air source, ground source and solar thermal systems, it does not necessarily apply to a newer form of heat generation known as thermodynamics.

Why thermodynamic water heating systems could prove to be the most popular choice in new builds

Thermodynamic hot water systems or ‘solar assisted heat pumps’, were researched, designed and manufactured as low cost, highly efficient systems, made purposely to suit the UK environment. They work by heat energy transfer – not solar power, meaning that … THEY DON’T NEED THE SUN to work!

Great to know that there is finally a solar energy system that has been developed to suit the UK and its ‘great British weather’. These smart hot water systems even work at night!

Not only do thermodynamic eco water heaters provide water that is made hot by taking the ambient energy from the environment, working in any weather and even sub-zero temperatures – they also help us to support and care for our environment using the ambient energy from natural occurrences to heat water.

As they are fully reliable – 365 days a year, you can see why thermodynamic water heating systems will be the most popular choice of heating domestic water, and by the time the government incentive for scrapping all fossil fuel heating technologies in new builds comes into place, it is also highly likely, that the same thermodynamic technology will be being used for space heating alongside water!

What we can expect next

Despite initial fears that solar energy systems alone will never be a match for fossil fuel burning methods of heating, it is quite possible that through thermodynamics, and by using a form of solar technology that is NOT reliant on the sun, we could create a new generation of homes, whose occupants stay just as warm as the rest of us, whose homes run just as efficiently and whose children are bathed just as frequently, but without the carbon emissions, or anywhere near the heating cost!

JEM Energy have already been installing their Bunsen Air thermodynamic hot water systems on numerous homes across the UK.

The Hampshire solar energy company are receiving excellent reviews of their solar hot water systems, with their customers in total disbelief at the power and efficiency of a ‘solar powered’ hot water system installed in a country that does not see as much sun as it would like - in fact, this system welcomes bad weather and works more efficiently in it!

If you would like to find out more - then get in contact with JEM Energy via their website, where you can also learn more about these extremely clever, environmentally powered, hot water systems, and how they could help your family in the years to come.

Thermodynamic Hot Water Systems and Solar Thermal Water Heating Systems

Thermodynamic Hot Water Systems and Solar Thermal Water Heating Systems

Considering investing in a Solar Water Heating System?
Read this before you buy a thing! ...

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Thermodynamic Hot Water Systems VS Solar Thermal Water Heating

  • Unlike solar thermal, thermodynamic systems do not require constant sunlight …
    The UK apparently sees on average 133 days a year of rain or snow (that’s just under 37% of the year), thermodynamic systems work on a thermodynamic principle, and have been ingeniously designed to work in all weather (including sub-zero temperatures). They take their energy from a variety of climatic elements, as opposed to being reliant on sunlight, which is how they are able to work all year round.

  • Solar thermal systems cannot be retrofitted to your property, whereas thermodynamic hot water systems can, meaning that there is minimal fuss and interference.

  • Thermodynamic hot water systems can serve as a fully reliable and independent source of hot water heating, unlike solar thermal, which can only give your existing hot water heating system a boost on days of sufficient sunlight.

  • Solar thermal systems cannot be programmed or adjusted, thermodynamic systems on the other hand can be pre-set and tailored to heat water according to your family’s needs, with the added benefit of a ‘boost’ button when needed.

  • Thermodynamic hot water systems are a newer and more advanced type of renewable technology, working on the ground-breaking thermodynamic principle of heating. The technology surrounding solar thermal systems is in no way as effective as these.

Making the Right Choice

At JEM Energy we appreciate that investing in a renewable system (especially if it is the first time), can be rather overwhelming, and sometimes being sure that you are putting your hard earned cash into the right system for you, that will ensure you see a reduction in your utility bills, as well as playing your part in taking care of the planet - can be equally mind boggling.

It is for that reason that we want to help you to be sure that you are spending your money wisely.

In our view, the Bunsen Air Thermodynamic Hot Water System, is the best possible method of renewable water heating and the only one that will ensure a higher energy cost saving return on your investment…. move aside solar thermal, there’s a new kid on the block!

For more information on our thermodynamic hot water systems, to arrange a survey or simply get some free, no obligation advice, then contact us here.

Tyburn Covent - Bunsen Air Installation

Tyburn Covent - Bunsen Air Installation

This month saw the installation of four Bunsen Air | Thermodynamic Hot Water Systems, on the premises of Tyburn Convent in London

Solar energy company JEM Energy - installers of the Bunsen Air | Thermodynamic Hot Water System, were recently commissioned with not one… but four Bunsen Air installations on Tyburn Convent in London

Tyburn Convent was established in 1903, near the site of the Tyburn Tree Gallows - famous for hosting the executions of a number of historical and well-known public figures (including Oliver Cromwell and Roger Mortimer).

More importantly for the Tyburn Nuns though, is the Martyrs' Shrine at their Convent where more than 350 Catholic Martyrs are honoured, and of whom there are 105 known Martyrs to have been executed on the Tyburn Tree Gallows. They witnessed to their faith by dying for it during the Reformation, including among others St Edmund Campion and St Oliver Plunkett. The Sisters keep the memory of the Martyrs alive and pilgrims and tourists from all over the world visit the Shrine of the Martyrs at Tyburn

The convent is now home to an enclosed order of Benedictine sisters, who still form a community within its walls.

Looking for a Modern and Renewable Water Heating Solution

JEM Energy got word that the convent was looking to modernise their water heating methods earlier this year, and that they were hoping to introduce a reliable, renewable source of water heating to the building, which would still ensure that the sisters residing there, would be provided with enough hot water all year round, and not just during hotter months.

The only way to guarantee renewable hot water all year round, is with thermodynamic water heating technology. Solar thermal systems, and other similar hot water heaters, simply cannot be relied upon for the entire year, as they still require a back-up method of water heating to generate hot water during cooler months of less sun exposure.


Installing Four Bunsen Air | Eco Water Heating Systems

Due to the size of the convent, access points to water cylinders and pipe work, and the number of people living there (who would all require hot water on a daily basis), it was decided that an installation of four thermodynamic hot water systems - would best suit everyone’s needs.

One double Bunsen Air system was connected to a larger hot water cylinder, alongside another Bunsen | Thermodynamic Water Heating System, which was connected to a smaller cylinder. One further Bunsen Air was installed on the far side of the convent... so four Bunsen Air systems were installed in total.

As the Bunsen’s solar collector panels needed to be relatively close to the internal Bunsen Air Units, some of the thermodynamic hot water panels were double stacked twice, so they were infact… quad-stacked on a side wall.

This does not impact their operational levels, it just saves on space, and ensured that the specialist refrigeration pipe work connecting the external and internal components of the thermodynamic water heaters wouldn’t be over-stretched!

According to all accounts, and despite being one of JEM Energy’s more challenging installation commissions, this large scale installation went extremely well, with all four Bunsen Air systems connected comfortably, making Tyburn Convent a fantastic example of the greatest possibilities when it comes to modern renewable systems being integrated into very old, and in this case – historic settings… and how these possibilities can easily become reality.


 Bunsen Air reviews from the Convent

Since their quadruple Bunsen Air installation, Tyburn Convent has contacted JEM Energy to say that they are so happy with their Bunsen Air | Thermodynamic Water Heating systems, they would like to install a further 2 on the building and its grounds!

JEM Energy can only say how honoured they are to have been able to provide this service to Tyburn, and that they are so glad to have installed the Bunsen Air as the convent’s chosen system for hot water.

“Thank you for choosing us, and trusting us to install our modern renewable hot water system, on your wonderfully monumental and historic building – this is what makes our job so worthwhile!”



A Great Little JEM of an Idea!

A Great Little JEM of an Idea!

The ‘Feed in Tariff’ deadline is fast approaching, and JEM Energy don’t want you to miss a fantastic opportunity to create essentially FREE hot water, by integrating solar panels, with a solar thermodynamic hot water system.

By taking advantage of the Feed in Tariff scheme before it closes to new applicants on the 31st March 2019, you could be paid for generating free hot water for yourself!

What is the Feed in Tariff scheme?

The Feed in Tariff scheme, which is a scheme that has been put in place by the government, to reward home owners for investing in certain types of solar energy systems, by paying them for generating solar energy - will be closed to new applicants from the 31st of March 2019.

Renewable energy systems included in the scheme are - solar photovoltaic (solar PV), wind, micro combined heat and power (CHP), hydro and anaerobic digestion (AD).

Who we are and how we can help

JEM Energy are a UK solar energy supplier and installer, primarily based in the south of England, who supply and install solar pv systems, and more recently – thermodynamic water heating systems.

Solar pv panel systems can be installed on a roof, a shed, or ground mounted, making them quite handy and versatile little things.

They work by generating power in the form of electricity, as they absorb energy from the sun, which is converted into electricity. This electricity can then be used to power the home, all without the polluting and harmful burning of fossil fuels!

The Feed in Tariff scheme is inclusive of solar pv panels such as these – what you chose to do with the electricity they generate… is up to you!

Using solar pv panels to generate the electricity required to run a thermodynamic hot water system

Thermodynamic hot water systems have only been around for a few years, but have fast become a recognised form of renewable energy.

Comprising of two main parts – two externally mounted thermodynamic panels, and an internal thermodynamic heat pump unit, the main benefit of thermodynamic water heating systems, is that they do not require sunlight to generate hot water, and instead take their energy from other sources including wind, rain, snow and extremely low or extremely high temperatures – they have even been referred to as ‘night time solar’, as they can work at night!

Solar PV Panels

Solar PV Panels

Thermodynamic Hot Water Panels

Thermodynamic Hot Water Panels

Thermodynamic hot water systems do require a very small amount of electricity to power their integral heat pump, which is responsible for converting the energy taken from their external thermodynamic panels, into hot water.

Unfortunately though, thermodynamic hot water systems are not included in the Feed in Tariff scheme, however the electricity needed to power their integral heat pump could be…

The rated electrical power of our thermodynamic water heating system, is only 444w, running on average at around 500w

Solar pv panels are capable of generating over 500w of electricity on a day with ample sunlight (although how much they generate totally depends on how many panels you have, and where they are situated).

Therefore, they are more than powerful enough to provide the electricity required to power a thermodynamic heat pump.

By installing just 2 solar pv panels on your home, alongside a thermodynamic water heating system, and doing so before the Feed in Tariff scheme closes to new applicants on the 31st March, you could be paid for the electricity generated by your solar pv panels, and use this electricity to power the heat pump within your thermodynamic hot water system.

Meaning that you would literally be paid for supplying yourself with free hot water!

What would happen to any unused electricity?

If there was any electricity left over after powering your thermodynamic hot water system, it would simply contribute to the running of other household appliances such as a fridge/freezer, lamps, chargers etc.

If you already have solar pv panels installed on your home, then it isn’t too late to apply to the Feed in Tariff scheme, it also isn’t too late to add a thermodynamic hot water system to your property, and start being paid to generate free hot water!

JEM Energy believe that you should be rewarded for the solar energy you produce, and for investing in it in the first place.

For more information on how we could help you do this, contact us here.